Dairy-Intolerance, Dairy-Free & Vegan Alternatives

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Don’t eat Dairy?

The Budwig diet is completely vegetarian but does include dairy foods in the form of cottage cheese or quark. But dairy is a no go area for some people for health and personal moral standpoint. However the Johanna Budwig offered no alternatives but  for less serious conditions you can still get the benefit of following the Budwig Diet with  these carefully selected alternatives.

 Milk and Dairy Intolerance

Most people with intolerances to dairy and lactose usually tolerate the Budwig diet very well because of the changes made by combining the quark cottage with the cold-pressed linseed (flax) oil and because of the benefits to the gut flora from diet.

Try Changing to A2 Milk

Some people are put off the Budwig diet because they have intolerance to cows’ milk. If you have milk intolerance check out the A2 milk site. You may not need to be dairy-free after all!  Some people are simply intolerant of A1 beta casein protein and changing to more natural milk with A2 beta casein proteins milk may enable you to follow the Budwig diet without your usual reactions to milk.

Milk from goats, sheep and some varieties of cows, uncluding Jerseys and Geurnseys are (usually) A2 but modern dairy herds produce A1 beta casein proteins which can be responsible for adverse health reactions to milk.

A2 protein milk can be tolerated better by who thought they had milk, dairy or lactose intolerance.   A2 protein milk is available here in the UK, both fresh and long life.  If you want A2 protein milk ukFind out where you can buy it: https://www.a2milk.co.uk/find/



Milk and Dairy Allergies

If you have a severe allergy to milk or dairy foods one possibility is to try other milks such as goat or sheep milk which are rich in sulphur containing amino acids necessary to bond with the linseed (flaxseed) oil. The Budwig diet works just as well with these; even for serious conditions many people use goats’ milk but not the ersatz milks from rice, coconut etc. because they don’t contain the essential sulphur amino acids.

Milk-free, Dairy-free, Vegan

If your allergy to dairy is severe or you are vegan it is possible to try alternative food sources of the sulphur containing amino acids, methionine, cysteine and homocysteine.  However these options are fine for less serious conditions but when following the Budwig diet for cancer they really should be a last resort because they Budwig diet was so scientifically designed.

The Dairy-free Alternatives

It is recommended that these alternatives are ground and blended at high speed just the same as usual to make the Budwig Muesli. Some foods though such as vegetables don’t really work well blended in the muesli so try making a savoury dip or use them in combination with other foods below made into a sauce for them.

These foods can be used with Tofu which contains some of these important sulphur amino acids. The effect can be very tasty.

  • Amino acid supplements: methionine, cysteine, homocysteine,
  • Bee pollen
  • Brazil nuts
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Egg white
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Sesame seeds
  • Soya protein
  • Tofu
  • Whole egg

Top tips for using tofu for Budwig muesli

Top tip for using tofu is the add either grated fresh ginger of a few drops of vanilla extract.

Try it with savoury ingredients as a sauce or dip for Broccoli.