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Chocolate & Pear Linseed Muesli Dessert
Pears and chocolate always go well together; this is good enough to serve for dinner parties and is sublime. It is rather like a chocolate pear Eton mess.
- 2 tablespoons ground linseed
- 1 portion linseed-quark cream
- 1-2 dessertspoons cocoa or to taste
- A little skimmed milk
- 1 teaspoon honey
- A small diced pear
- Chopped nuts
Mix the honey and some skimmed milk into the quark linseed cream, add cocoa powder, mix well, add ground linseed and spoon into a dessert bowl and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Chocolate, Banana and Raspberry Muesli
This is more of a dessert but chocolate makes a great breakfast too.
- 2 tablespoons ground linseed
- 1 portion linseed-quark cream
- 1-2 dessertspoons cocoa or to taste
- A little skimmed milk
- 1 teaspoon honey
- A small banana
- A handful of raspberries
- Unsweetened coconut chips or ribbons – grated fresh coconut or chopped Brazil nuts (optional)
Place ground linseed in a bowl and mash into it the banana.
Mix the honey and some skimmed milk into the quark linseed cream, add cocoa powder, mix well and pour over mashed banana and linseed. Sprinkle with raspberries and coconut or Brazil nuts.