This is the cornerstone of the whole Budwig diet;it is used for the breakfast and lunch. It is also called FO/CC, Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese and Budwig Flax Oil Cream. (Linseed is called flax in North America.)
The magic comes from the sulphur-rich milk proteins in the cheese making the omega-3 in the linseed oil more soluble. Linseed Oil-Quark cream should be made with good-quality fresh ingredients and it will taste creamy, light and delicious. The basic FOCC “cream” is very versatile and can be used as a healthy alternative to cream, crème-fraiche or yoghurt for anyone who is health-conscious.
Budwig Muesli Recipe
Ingredients to make the FOCC Cream:
This makes a standard portion for a woman, men should have up to 25% more and children less
Quark and cold-pressed linseed (flax seed ) oil 45-50g cold-pressed linseed oil (flax seed oil)
- 100 g Quark (If you can’t find quark use low fat/fat-free cottage cheese or unsweetened plain Greek yoghurt (this should be 10-12% protein.)
- 2 tablespoons milk (optional to help mixing)
- 1 teaspoon cold-extracted raw honey (optional)

Place Linseed Oil and quark in a jug or tall container suitable for using a stick blender. If you prefer a softer consistency add two or three tablespoons of skimmed milk. Blend very thoroughly; is very important to continue blending until the oil completely disappears into the emulsion. If required sweeten by mixing in up to 1 tsp honey.
Muesli Ingredients
- 25g ground linseed
- 1 tsp Honey
- Berries (forest fruits)
- Nuts
- Fruit chopped
Assemble fruit and freshly ground linseed in a bowl. Top with creamed linseed oil and cottage cheese, top with berries and chopped nuts. Eat immediately.
The Budwig diet calls for the Quark – Linseed Oil “cream” to be eaten with ground linseed and fruit as muesli for breakfast, For lunch you can add it to the first course or pudding. With imagination the possibilities are almost endless.
Budwig Muesli Smoothie
A modern variation is to incorporate the linseed oil/cottage cheese cream into a smoothie by adding it to blitzed fresh fruits and freshly pressed juice.
Budwig Muesli Smoothie Recipe

- 100g Quark
- 50g Cold-pressed linseed oil
- A little milk
- 25g ground linseed
- 1 tsp Honey
- Fruit (any)
- Berries (any)
- Nuts
Separately blend 1 and 2 thoroughly

Place all other ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
Then add blended cottage cheese linseed (flaxseed) oil, pulse gently until incorporate with fruit etc., Don’t over-
Other ways for using Budwig creamed linseed oil and cottage cheese
Johanna Budwig’s own savoury recipes include using the cream as mayonnaise, Indian-style Tzatziki, sauces, sandwich fillers or toast topping. Use it just as you would any cream or soft cheese (within the rules of the diet). In savoury dishes try “cream” with good seedy mustard, curry powder or herbs.
For dessert you can use it like a mousse flavoured with chocolate or spices; it combines well with cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla, banana, orange and lemon or make the Budwig “cream” into easy ice creams. There are recipes on the site for several delicious flavours of (Budwig-compatible) ice-cream.
N.B. Always blend the cold-pressed linseed oil and cottage cheese thoroughly before adding other ingredients.