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Cannabinoids, THC in Cannabis may “kill” cancer cells

New research from Spain has shown that THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, used as cannabis oil, hemp oil, grass oil or hash oil could have huge benefits for cancer sufferers. It has been shown to kill cancer cells by causing them to commit suicide.
Cannabis Treatment Videos
Dr Christina Sanchez explaining how cannabis kills cancer cells
WikiLeaks that Show Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells
RUN FROM THE CURE – The Rick Simpson Story – Full Length Video includes how to make your own cannabis oil, Watch the full length video
Cannabidiol or CBD another medically active component against cancer
Cannabis plants (Cannabis sativa) also contain cannabidiol or CBD. CBD is the component in marijuana that doesn’t have the recreational effects associated with the plant.
Cannabidiol or CBD type compound also in flax
Research in Poland has discovered that a Cannabidiol type (CBD) compound is also found in flax. The effects of these CBD-like molecules may be another explanation for the beneficial actions of flax (such anti-inflammatory effects) may be due to the presence of this CBD-like compound. Read more about it.
The links and stories on this page are shared for interest and in no way is marijuana being promoted for the treatment of cancer or other conditions
Are from Wiki commons to show the plant being discussed. Photo attribution
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