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Linseed (flax) growning in the UK by Harry Lawson

Linseed (flax) growing in the UK by Harry Lawson


Page contents

The Budwig Diet

As firm believers in the health-giving properties of linseed, we obviously came across the Budwig Diet early on. Dr Johanna Budwig’s books are fascinating, and we have done our own research into the principles of her work. Her conclusions are hard to ignore, and we feel that her findings and her Diet should be shared with as many people as possible.

The Budwig Diet – some people call it the Budwig Protocol – can be used to support those going through the rigours of conventional drug, chemical, surgical and radiation treatments for serious illnesses such as cancer. Increasing numbers of people have successfully used it as an alternative remedy for illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis (some people with multiple sclerosis can’t tolerate the milk protein in quark so follow the diet without that component; read Roger McDougall’s  article about how he overcome multiple sclerosis),  arthritis and other inflammatory and degenerative conditions.

Linseed (flax) flowers and seedheads, bolls beginning to form
Linseed (flax) flowers and seedheads, bolls beginning to form

The Aim of This Site

It is not the  aim of this site to promote the Budwig diet but to help those following or considering it to get the very best from it.   For those  who have heard the rumours about this strange diet of cottage cheese and linseed oil (flaxseed oil) accompanied by by carrot juice and sauerkraut, we would like to reassure them that the  unlikely combination can taste great even to the British palate.

This site is designed to clarify the ambiguities that have arisen in available literature and websites that are either German or translations for North America.

Simple Foods for a Gentle Alternative Remedy

The Budwig diet can be used to support those undergoing conventional drug, chemical, surgical and radiation treatment or  as an alternative remedy.  It is very hard to believe that something so simple and gentle as a simple change of diet to one rich in linseed can have so much benefit, but really it is about giving the body the tools it needs to heal itself.  The story by Dan Beuttner is essential reading about the human body’s ability to heal.  The Budwig protocol is about a healing lifestyle, a diet which provides complete nutrition and avoids the bad stuff in the light of understanding the science of food and health.  It is designed to work with the ordinary foods we can buy from UK shops and farms.

 As Close as Possible to Dr Johanna Budwig’s Original Protocol

If people are going follow the Budwig diet it is important to follow it as closely as possible to Johanna Budwig’s recommendations   To make it easier to follow the protocol the way Dr Johanna Budwig intended, we  have sourced some of the harder-to-find Budwig diet essentials such as sauerkraut juice. The  foods listed have been chosen as the best for health qualities and flavour.


Amazing tales of the Budwig Diet

As Flax Farm grew and more customers related their tales, one tale in particular cropped up over and over.  People kept related their stories about “doing the Budwig diet”.   Most were following it for serious conditions.

More people should know about this protocol

After ten years of hearing about the Budwig protocol it seemed it was too important not to try to make people more aware of it. We aren’t promoting it as a cure, that’s up to you. We are promoting it as a brilliant starting point if you are ill.  If you decide to fight your illness naturally it has a good track record and certainly isn’t harmful, it is cheap and pleasant.  If you are having drugs, chemo, surgery or radiation therapy your body will need all the help it can get to keep healthy.  Even if all the Budwig protocol and diet did was keep your digestion going through everything modern medicine throws at it, we would recommend it just for that.

One day we will add testimonials to this site.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" – Hippocrates